Newborns are a photographers most challenging subject. You would think that because they don't move too much they would be excellent models, I mean compared to a mobile toddler on a mission they should be so easy. Really not the case, more often then not. There are some things you can do to improve your odds of success at your newborn photoshoot:
Replicate the womb
Babies this young are still disturbed by the environment outside of their mothers. To promote a sleepy and easy baby crank up the heat, especially if you are planning on shots with minimal to no clothing. Use a white noise app or a space heater that has a fan will do the same thing.Fill 'er up!
Food, food and more food. A baby who is very full will get "milk drunk" and become the happiest, sleepiest most drowsy little angel. Leave your schedule at the door on photo day and just top her up as often and as much as she can take. Also try to keep her awake prior to my arrival so that she is due to sleep.
Break your rules
A soother can do wonders at a newborn portrait session, it may not be your personal philosophy but it may be the thing that makes the difference between a baby who relaxes into the moment or one who fusses the whole hour long. It's just for a few minutes and you can toss it in the trash on the way out.
Freash babies are most agreeable
A baby less then 2 weeks old will be most likely to sleep best at a photoshoot, almost all babies in this age range are still very deep sleepers. Also if you are looking for any specific baby poses such as "the froggy", "head in hands" or "bums up" these poses are only successful before baby has uncurled from their womb ball positioning.
Follow baby's lead
You or baby for may not be ready to invite a photographer into your house in those first few weeks for many reasons, not to worry. When I have a fussy baby there are many tricks we can implement during the session. Baby Ava who was 5 weeks old at this shoot was not too impressed with the idea of photos. We did every thing right to set the stage and still she fussed. Although we did not get the "bums up" pose we were hoping for, she just wanted to be all stretched out, we followed her lead and we got some precious shots. We used the trick of covering her mom in a blanket and then laying baby on her chest. This calmed her and with the help of grandma and my baby swaying skills we got her to sleep though a few outfit changes. One up side is that we got so many nice photos of her pretty eyes wide open and curious.
Try to relax, you're in good hands
Most importantly I wish I could tell every new parent that the pretty images you see here, and in any professional portrait, are beautiful moments of peace captured in time, but the session over all feels more like 90% fussy baby and like every thing is going wrong. Ava's mom and dad felt that way in the moment but I am sure you would agree looking at their album that all you see is love and a sweet angel baby. Not only do I play the roll of photographer but I am also the baby whisperer, helping her to give us what we need and keeping the parents cool as cucumbers. It's been too long since I rocked my own little bundles of joy to sleep, they are too grown up now, so I have to say that is my favourite part of the shoot!